Results from our clients...
“I had a coaching session with the Unicorn and I came home absolutely inspired. Her no-nonsense way of critiquing and giving suggestions opened my eyes to so many things about my business. I got more out of our one-hour session than I did from a 3 day workshop I recently participated in. Within the month following my session I revamped my website, got the appropriate business insurance, joined the PPA and already got one wedding published!”
"The Unicorn coaching helped me realize that I am worth more than what I charge. (Monika) has given me the confidence to change my business model and earn a decent income! I am so grateful for her sound advice and it is great to see that she is modeling this in her own business."
"Getting coached by the Unicorn was awesome, in the few months of coaching me she not only motivated me, but gave me helpful tips that helped take my business to the next level. I appreciate her and her inspirational words! She gave me the keys to land more clients and helped make my goals a reality. I booked my biggest wedding to date because of her great advice and tips. I have gone to several seminars to help me with booking more clients but none of them gave me the same knowledge and advice. I even got published for the first time because of her! How amazing is that? She helped me get my business off the ground and I will forever be thankful!"